Monsoon is one of the most awaited seasons, the transition of hot winds to cold winds with blissful rain showers is just the right kind of weather for some “ME time”.
This is perfect weather to unwind and take a step back for some much-needed self-care. It’s essential to change your skin regime as the weather changes. As we know, skin is the most visible part of our body, and it's important to take utmost care of our skin. We tend to neglect skin routine, thinking there is nothing much to it. Drinking gallons of water will do the job, but there is more to it. It’s a process that is supposed to be altered according to your skin type and weather change. We usually take utmost care of our face and moisturize it, neglecting the rest of our body. Our body is more prone to face damage because of strenuous activities we take part in, especially with our hands. We use our hands for everything, which is the reason hands age faster than your face. Your hands are more palpable since we use our hands to wash utensils or have direct contact with bacteria around.
Monsoons are one of those seasons where you face many skin issues due to fluctuating climatic conditions, from extreme humidity to extreme cold. Your skin goes from sweaty to dry real quick, which can cause peeling off the skin lead to bacterial infection.
Here are a few reasons you need to know why hand cream is vital for monsoons.
Hands age faster
Our hands & feet are features that give away your age even before your face & eyes do. The skin on the top of our hands has fewer sebaceous glands and hence dries faster and which can cause peeling of skin.
Cracked Skin
One of the most common problems we face as we age is that our palm’s skin gets cracked. These cracks can give an itching sensation, and you might eventually peel off your skin. This might accumulate bacteria onto the visible wound. Since we use our hands to eat or have direct contact on the face, it's not safe to let your skin crack up.
Overuse of sanitizer
Amid this covid crisis, we tend to use sanitizers a lot, making your skin instantly very dry. As monsoon is also a climate with the highest humidity, it can cause redness and irritation in your skin. To treat this, you need a hand cream that contains ceramides that immediately moisturizes your hands.
Avoid infections
In monsoons, water is highly contaminated due to the heavy flow of water, which could be a potential reason why mud water is terrible for your body. As we don't consume tap water to drink, it's advisable not to shower or wash hands in this water. With a thorough hand wash, you can wash out germs, take extreme precautions, and apply hand cream. It's advisable to apply it right after you wash your hands. You can kill the germs and moisturize your hands at the same time. BONUS!
Nails are important too
We generally tend to forget to apply moisturizer into our nails, but they can chip off easily if not moisturized the right way. Also, they accumulate germs, which can be easily killed with hand cream.
Hand cream is the best way to repair and restore damaged hands, ensuring that they not only look younger but feel softer too. The skin on top of your hands is much thinner and has fewer sebaceous glands, meaning it can become dry very quickly. Get your hands to look manicured just with simple hand cream.
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